News broke tonight (with thanks to The Stage for bringing it to my attention) that Robbie White (aka the Stockport Spider) has had to pull from BBC So You Think You Can Dance following an injury during rehearsal.
Replacing him will be former show contestant voted off last week, Alistair Postlethwaite, who will take his place in the final to win the £100,000 prize and get to perform in Hollywood. The Lancashire Evening Post has reported extent of Robbie’s injury as a dislocated shoulder while practising a hip hop routine.
Earlier on in the day Simeon Qysea’s Twitter (one of the So You Think You Can Dance hip hop choreographers, and one of the founders of BirdGang) saying:
“Rehearsals ended up with the Hospital!! its all gone a bit crazy right now……..”(sic)
The tweet also copied through to his Facebook page where concerned fans of the show posted responses, to which he was obliged to say:
“due to contract not at liberty to say but they are fine just means they are being replaced X” (sic)
Due to the show contracts, it was difficult to know which dancer was injured that early on. Later on in the day the news broke to back up the rumours.
So far the BBC have not yet issued any statements on either the So You Think You Can Dance site or on the BBC SYTYCD Twitter.
Read SYTYCD: Is Alistair Back? at The Stage’s blog
Read Dancer back in BBC final after rival is injured in the Lancashire Evening Post